NEXT WEEK BRING grooming tools such as brushes and combs 

This week we covered


Equipment – harness, snoot loop, gentle leader



Treat immediately follows behavior


Mock exam

Play time with sounds

Sounds, cap gun, book drop – tape of sounds in background while playing.


Handle your puppy all over making it fun for the puppy. Remember to offer treats, toys and praise while you are touching all over.





Several million dogs are euthanized every year because of preventable behavior problems. Prevention is best! Don’t wait for several months before you seek help for a problem behavior. One of the goals of puppy training is to use preventative exercises and techniques to ensure that your dog does not feel the need to guard things such as food, people, places or toys. This is the time to make him feel safe and comfortable while he his being handled and staying home alone. Most importantly he must be taught to have a “soft mouth” or not to bite. 

Your are not establishing a relationship with your dog. You are establishing a bond with your dog. (remember he is not a person). Most behaviors that we want from our dogs are unnatural for them. Behaviors that we do not like or see as a problem behaviors are natural for the dog. Dogs do not know the difference between right and wrong, they do not have religion or morals. Dogs do not do things out of spite or jealousy. It is dangerous for you to impart human values to you dog. You will damage the human/animal bond, and create confusion and miscommunication between the two of you. This will lead to serious behavior problems possibly even aggression.

Dogs learn from experience. They will repeat what works for them. If they get attention for crying, they will repeat the crying. They will avoid behaviors that come with a negative experience. If the puppy bites you and you go away, the puppy will avoid biting.

It is easy to set up a “behavior chain” that you did not intend to. For example, the dog gets aggressive with company, so you distract him with a treat and have him lay next to you, and if he reacts to company you give him down command and a treat. If you are not practicing this exercise when company is not there, then you create a behavior chain. In the dogs mind it goes like this. I like treats and attention. If I growl & lunge at company, then I will be able to lay next to my owner and get attention and treats. Over treating and not practicing exercises in the absence of negative behaviors will create an unwanted behavior chain. Aggression =’s attention=treats.


I use only positive methods to train all dogs, and correct behavior problems. Just because dogs will not repeat a behavior that comes with a bad experience, does not mean that it is a good idea to use punishment. I will explain this during our visits. Most importantly you will damage the human/animal bond, and the puppy will learn to distrust people.


What you need…

Treats. I recommend low protein treats such as carrots, peas or green beans. I sell a variety of healthy treats in the store. (sales pitch: all of the treats I sell are made in the USA some are organic. Most are wheat, corn, soy free. If you need help choosing a treat feel free to ask for my suggestions)

Refer to the poison food list, and avoid things on that list.

A nylon collar. I recommend a martingale style collar for puppies, or a flat collar with a metal buckle. DO NOT GRAB AT THE COLLAR TO GET THE PUPPY TO STOP SOMETHING. YOU WILL MAKE HIM COLLAR AND HAND SHY.

A nylon leash 4-6 ft long with a metal clip.

A nylon long line 15 to 30 feet long. We will use this in training come and other things later.

Toys. Lots of toys. Different toys serve a different purpose in your puppies training and stress release. He should have toys for snuggling, toys for carrying, hard chew toys such as nylabones, rubbery chew toys,  and interactive toys for learning thinking skills and relieving boredom. He should also have one kill toy, a toy that he can shake and wrestle with. Your puppy should have around 15 toys. You always keep 5 put away and trade them occasionally. (never put away his favorite toy)


Of course he should have food and water bowls. Water should be available inside and out.

A toothbrush and dog toothpaste.

Grooming brushes and combs

A nail clipper that has double blades.

A local veterinarian, and emergency numbers incase your regular veterinarian is not available.

Puppy shampoo if you are going to eventually bathe the puppy yourself. I use puppy shampoo on my adult dogs because it is tear free and gentle. Be careful not to choose shampoo with smells that may attract bugs, such as fruit smells.

A car harness or carrier for in the car. If your dog is loose in your car, enters the drivers cabin and causes an accident you are liable. There are new regulations in effect with hefty fines for dogs who are able to enter the drivers area of the car. It is dangerous for you, your dog and your passengers for your dog to be loose in the car.

A copy of your dogs rabies certificate. Keep one in your car and one at home. In NY if your dog bites (even though some people may call a small bite a nip it is still a bite by definition) another person or dog a DEC officer has the right to shoot your dog and send his brain to Albany to confirm that your dog does not have rabies. Local officials such as police and dog officers have the right to take and confine your dog at your expense to confirm that your dog is not sick with rabies or other zoonotic diseases. If you cross the borders between NY and PA or any other state you must have a copy of the rabies certificate or your dog can be confiscated.



If at any time your puppy becomes afraid during socialization exercises or during everyday activities, follow these guidelines

  • Do not baby or coddle a frightened puppy. You are praising the puppy for being afraid. He will feel there is something to be afraid of and the fear will become worse.
  • Try to get him happy and playful with a silly voice, a treat or a game.
  • If the situation is too much for the puppy, back away until the puppy is relaxed again.
  • Start from this point (distance) to build up self confidence, and trust in you.
  • Gradually get closer giving the puppy treats.
  • The goal if for your puppy to be comfortable and confident around stimuli that was scary to him.
  • If you are unsure about something call me. 
  • This is a complete list. Not all of these may be necessary for your dogs life. I have clients all over the country so I tried to consider every possible life situation.








Both genders

Different ethnicities


People wearing







Punk hairdos

Shaved heads



People with



Legs in cast

Metal frame walker


Guide dogs

Baby strollers

Baby carriers

Back packs



Shopping carts

Limps or odd gaits

Erratic body moves


People in uniform



Postal workers

Vet clinic staff

Ambulance attendants

Crossing guards

Meter readers

Telephone workers


UPS and other delivery people


Athletic people


Skate boarders


Roller bladders

Cross country skiers

Toboggans & sleds

Snow boarders


Wind surfers

Speed walkers


People swimming

Hang gliders

Water skiing

Martial arts

Bike couriers




Friendly healthy dogs


Small pets (hamsters)

Large birds (geese chickens)




Motor vehicles

Trucks backing up

Screeching brakes

Cars backfiring

Airplanes & helicopters

Street cleaners

Snow plows

Garbage trucks


Skidoos & Seadoos


Environmental hazards & noise pollution


Thunder & lightening

Snow blowers






Loud speakers

Building and demolition

People yelling


Outdoor events


Hot air balloon

People singing

Live music band

Farmers market

Beach party/bonfires

Santa Claus

Fairs & rodeos

Sporting events

Mimes & clowns

People dancing

Rush hour

A rally/protest

Street vendors


Construction sites &




Front-end loaders



Power tools

Fork lifts



Lawn mowers

Ride on mowers

Leaf blowers

Weed whippers

Electric hedge shears

Sweeping with broom

Garden hose



Strange sights & smells

Drunk people

Ice cream truck

Strong perfume

Strong cooking smells








Model airplane

Remote control toys

Skipping rope

Ceiling fans

Floor fans

Air purifiers

Fire places

Wood stoves



Different surfaces




Ceramic tiles


Slipper surfaces

Manholes and grates

Watery or wet




Swinging bridge

Wooden dock

Tarmac (not when hot)





Wood floors


Different environments

Car rides

Vet clinic

Boarding kennel


The bank

Video store

Gas station

Toll booth

Shopping mall

Friends homes

Public transit

Outdoor café’

Country versus city


Automatic doors

Pet store


Boat rides

School grounds

Petting zoo

Car wash

Walk after dark

A tunnel

A bridge

Busy intersection

Outside day care


Crowd of people


Sporting facilities

The beach

The woods

Hiking trails

The office


Home environment

Phone ringing


Loud TV

Loud music

Hair dryer

Vacuum cleaner

Kettle whistle

Dish washer


Electrical appliances

Dog in bath/shower

Domestic staff

Home office



Repair people

Delivery people

Obedience commands ©

Daina Beckman

Dog Behavior Specialist
Happy Tails Dog Behavior & Training


Obedience training should be fun and interesting for both you and your dog. Consistency is a must. Keep your body up tall and confident, use the same tone of voice, use the same movement with your hand and arm. I recommend you make a list of commands and define them. For example does “down” mean lay down? Or does it mean all four feet on the floor. If it means lay down then perhaps “off” means all four feet on the floor. If “sit” means fanny on the floor two front feet on the floor and “down” means lay down then what does sit down mean? Sit down now is to different commands you can’t do two opposing commands at the same time. Make sure everyone is using the same word for the same action. Correct company if you need to.

Don’t keep saying his name and don’t keep saying the command. Just say the command once. You wouldn’t like it if your boss kept saying Mary Sednemo, Sednemo Sednemo Mary, Mary Mary Sednemo Are you confused? So is your dog. Do you feel nagged? So does your dog. Sednemo is Serbian for sit down.

Be patient your dog has to filter though all of the possibilities while he decides what action you are asking for.

For example you dog may know shake and that is easy and fun for both of you. Now you are teaching your dog the new command down. You say your command with confidence and give your hand signal at the same time. Your dog is thinking “when I put my fanny on the floor I got the treat” so he puts his fanny on the floor. That didn’t work so he thinks “when I lift up my paw I get the treat” so he lifts his paw. He may try several actions that he already knows will get him the treat. Be patient hold your position and wait for him to figure it out. Don’t’ repeat the command or hand signal until he breaks. I have waited up to 3 minutes for a dog to figure out sit. You will need to start again when the dogs concentration “breaks”. The solution to the problem has become too difficult and he will go do something else. When he begins to leave to do something else try the command again.

Always end training sessions on a positive note with lots of praise. If you one or both of you are getting frustrated move on to an easy command and then end the session. Dogs place learn. That is why some dogs do okay at obedience class but not at home. You have to practice at home. Practice in every room of the house and out side. If you go to the park or when  visiting grandma practice there too. It is better to have lots of short practice sessions. For example before feeding practice sit then put the food down. Practice sit and 2 or 3 other commands in the kitchen when you get home from work. After dinner practice the psychological heel and stop periodically to practice sit, down or stay. Practice sit and down in the evening in the living room. Mix it up, make it fun.


For all commands you are going to use a hand signal that goes in the direction you want the dogs nose to go. Always start with your hand near the front of the dogs nose.

Sit – up and back

Down – down and away from his nose (slowly at first)

Stay – a flat hand in front of his nose

Come – a sweeping toward you motion

What fun commands can you think of?  How about spin… go in a gentle wide circle to start with.

Give the command in a confident you can do it voice. Don’t ask like you have doubt. Don’t be aggressive like a drill sergeant. Place your hand over your dogs head above his nose with the treat between your thumb and forefinger facing palm up. Slowly raise the treat and move it towards your dogs backend. Wait for him to think about what you are asking. As soon as he starts to put his butt on the floor say good boy sit and give him the treat. If he doesn’t sit because he is unsure or distracted say ok and walk away for 10-20 seconds. He doesn’t want the treat. Try again.

Be patient, wait for him to figure it out. Keep repeating this process. He will get it.. If you have a puppy and he is still not getting it, place your forearm behind his legs and gently sweep them forward while using the hand signal up and back toward his tail. This will bring his back legs into a sitting position. Lots of praise when his back end starts to sit.


You will use the same method and patients for every command you teach your dog.

Do not force your dogs body into the position. Pushing on hips and shoulder is painful and will cause your dog to mistrust you. One exception would be shake. You can gently tap the front of your dogs leg or pick up his paw to get him started.